The Advantages of Using ASTEC Industrial Coatings

At SoCal Roof Restoration we offer a sustainable industrial roof coating at an affordable price. Stay cooler and safer while saving cash and the earth.

ASTEC Elastomeric Technology

ASTEC’s advanced formulation enhances the properties of elastomeric coatings. This formulation ends UV deterioration, while adding heat resistance, abrasion resistance, and longevity. Here are more features that come with our technology:


A Solar Shield

Our product is the top choice for keeping your roof cool. ASTEC Industrial Coatings has benefits such as ultraviolet reflectance and infrared emissivity, going beyond Department of Energy (DOE) guidelines. Experience reduced temperatures of 50°F or more on surfaces and cooler interior contents and spaces.

A Corrosion Barrier

Avoid corrosion on your roof with our ASTEC elastomeric coatings. Our coatings are highly resistant to ocean salt spray, acid rain, and other airborne contaminants.

All-Climate Stability

Once cured, a surface with our coating can withstand any weather condition.

Reduces Thermal Shock Damage

ASTEC elastomeric coatings reduce the thermal shock that causes damaging shifts, cracking, and loosening conditions.

Seamless Wind and Weather Protection

Our industrial coating provides seamless wind and weather protection, retaining the quality of any surface.

Abrasion Resistance

Never worry about wind-blown sand and grit again. With our advanced formulation, our coating can fight any surface erosion.

Thermal Resistance

We offer strong heat and combustion protection. Our product is Class A fire-rated on non-combustible materials.

Green Building Benefits

Our product has always been environmentally friendly, from manufacturing and restorative application to decades of low-maintenance and energy-saving service.

What Is an Urban “Heat Island”?

The urban heat island effect is a measurable increase in ambient urban air temperatures resulting primarily from the replacement of vegetation with buildings, roads, and other heat-absorbing infrastructure. The heat island effect can result in significant temperature differences between rural and urban areas (

On warm summer days, a city can be 6 to 8°F warmer than its surrounding areas. This effect is called the urban heat island. Cool Roof materials can reduce the heat island effect, save energy, and reduce smog formation. The goal of this research is to develop cool materials to save energy and money.

By significantly reducing the amount of heat absorbed from dark roofs, ASTEC Re-Ply Cool Roofs help reduce the “heat island” effect in major metropolitan areas. ASTEC leads to a positive domino effect: cooler roofs result in interiors that require less air conditioning load to maintain comfortable temperatures. Lowered air conditioning demand results in less energy use, contributing in turn to lower emissions and smog reduction.

What We Can Do for You

Your free roof evaluation and proposal are just a phone call away. Call now to start saving on energy costs while putting a permanent end to present and future costly leaks and damage.